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4 Tips for Pool Maintenance

The summer season marks the start of pool weather. Cooling off in the water is just one aspect of owning a pool. The responsibility of pool maintenance needs to be taken seriously to keep your water clean and extend the life of your pool.

Test Your Pool’s Chemistry

A fundamental step in pool maintenance is keeping track of your pool’s chemistry. Develop a schedule for checking the levels of chemicals in your pool water once a week. This can be done with a pool water testing kit that includes tests for chlorine, bromine, pH, and alkalinity. Keeping your pool’s chemical levels in the normal range is necessary to ensure your water is clean and safe for swimming.

Check Water Levels

A good pool maintenance prevention method is to monitor the physical levels of the water. If the water gets too low, it can cause damage to the pool surface, such as cracking or peeling. This can do damage to the water pump as well if it ends up running dry. If the water gets too high, this can cause problems with the skimmer door, leading to a malfunction that can leave debris in the pool.


Any respectful pool owner should get familiar with the pool maintenance action of skimming. Skimming is when you run a net attached to a pole across the surface of your pool to physically remove extra debris. This works in conjunction with your filter, as it doesn’t always filter everything out. Another trick is to use a tennis ball with a skimming net to absorb any surface oils left behind by lotion, oil, makeup, hair products, etc.

Deck Cleaning

Both the space in and around the pool needs to be clean to ensure that your water quality remains safe. Keep your deck clean of algae, mold, dirt and other kinds of grime by doing a deep clean at least once or twice a year. The pool deck can be cleaned by hand or with a hose, but using a pressure washer is the easiest and most effective method.

Pair Your Pool Maintenance with a Soft Wash from Peak Power Wash

Peak Power Wash provides experienced home power washing and pressure washing to the Piedmont – Triad areas of North Carolina. We are proud to help homeowners give their homes, decks and patios extra TLC without damaging any of their property. To learn more about our services, call us today at 336-717-5959 or visit our website.