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Playground Maintenance Made Easy

Playground Maintenance Made Easy

As a homeowner, you may find that your playground isn’t all fun and games.  In fact, this backyard equipment requires regular maintenance to ensure it’s in good shape and safe.  Still, don’t let this extra work prevent you from installing something your...
How to Repair Leaky Concrete Steps

How to Repair Leaky Concrete Steps

There’s a lot to like about old homes. Quality construction, larger lots, and lower price tags are just some of the reasons potential buyers prefer established homes.  Of course, with character comes maintenance—especially when you have concrete steps...
How Often Should I Power Wash My House?

How Often Should I Power Wash My House?

While everyone loves the look of a freshly-pressure-washed home, it’s not really a daily chore— or even a weekly one. So, how do you know when it’s time for the next power washing? It’s most effective as part of a routine maintenance schedule. But that can mean...
Throw the Ultimate Labor Day Deck Party

Throw the Ultimate Labor Day Deck Party

Much like Memorial Day is summer’s kick off, Labor Day signals the end of warm evening temperatures. So, why not take advantage of this opportunity to throw one great party? It’s the perfect time to use your deck, whatever size it may be. Just spruce up your outdoor...
Closing Time:  Post Labor Day Pool Questions

Closing Time:  Post Labor Day Pool Questions

Public pools around the state closed this weekend after a final farewell to summer.  If you own your own pool, though, you can keep it open for as long as you like—kind of.  There are certain factors that should influence your decision on when to close it...