Fall colder weather is officially here! As we enjoy these crisp Autumn days, it’s a great time to shift our attention toward preparing our homes for the winter ahead. What should you do to prepare your home for colder weather?
Power Wash the Exterior (Surprise!) in Colder Weather
Autumn is a great time to catch up on cleaning the exterior of your home. Do you notice any areas covered in moss or dirt? A pressure washing will have your home, deck or sidewalks looking brand new! You’ll want to make sure you get rid of these weathering effects before wintery weather arrives. Once these dirtier areas are covered by layers of ice, the stains will get more difficult to remove when spring arrives.
Clean Your Gutters
As the leaves begin to change color, they will also start to fall off the trees. Most will end up on the ground, but don’t be surprised if a lot of fall foliage ends up in your gutter as well. Taking care of this now will prevent any ice dams from forming and causing drainage issues in your home once colder weather is here to stay.
Clean Your Chimney
If you keep up with the local news, you’ve probably already seen a lot of chimney fires this fall alone! Having a fire in an uncleaned and uninspected fireplace is very dangerous! Make sure you have yours cleaned to avoid this risk. Plus, you want to make sure Santa has an easy time making his way down your chimney in a few months!
Test Your Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Detectors
Chimneys aren’t the only fire risk in the winter. Dryer fires and furnace fires spike in homes across the country every year during the winter. Naturally, real Christmas trees pose a slight risk as well. Make sure you are up to date with a functioning smoke detector and carbon monoxide detector to avoid potential disaster!
Prepare Your Home for Colder Weather with Peak Powerwash!
Peak Power Wash provides experienced home power washing and pressure washing to the Piedmont – Triad areas of North Carolina. We are proud to help homeowners give their homes, decks and patios extra TLC without doing damage to any of their property. To learn more about our services, call us today at 336-717-5959 or visit our website.