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One Step Ahead of Winter Weather

Tis the season for winter weather!  Throughout the Piedmont – Triad areas of North Carolina, this season can bring unpredictable conditions.  While you can’t prepare for everything, you can certainly try!  With these tips, you should stay one step ahead of what’s in store.

1. Winterize Your Home

As the first step, you can begin winterizing your home in fall!  But really, you should be on the lookout for potential sources of cold drafts and energy inefficiency throughout this season.  Common areas of concern include attics, basements, windows, doors, garages, and more!  These rooms typically have poorer insulation and greater exposure to winter weather. Fortunately, you can protect your home with basic precautions like additional insulation, caulking, weather stripping, etc. If you’re not totally sure how to winterize your home, you can hire a professional energy auditor who’ll inspect the property and make suggestions on how to increase your energy efficiency.

2. Stock Up Before the Storm

Most people head to the store to stock up on bread, milk, and eggs before winter weather, but be sure you grab some snow removal tools while you’re at it.  Depending upon your property, that may just be snow shovels or fuel for your snow blower.  Either way, don’t forget about the snow melt, too!  While rock salt is the traditional approach, you have plenty of options to choose from today.  Including those that are more environmentally-friendly and pet-safe!  If you can’t decide which one(s) to pick up, read this for more information.

3. Take It Outside

While going outdoors seems like the last thing you want to do in the event of winter weather, it can help you stay one step ahead.  Although you want to avoid overexertion at all costs, try to keep an eye on what’s going on with the storm.  If you notice snow piling up around your HVAC system, for example, it’s important to keep that clear.  Survey your roofline, too.  This area of your home is especially vulnerable to the weight of built-up snow and ice dams.  Not familiar with this term?  You can learn all about ice dams and how to prevent them here.  Still, you have to prioritize your safety!  If you don’t feel comfortable going or staying outside, then wait out the snow indoors.

At Peak Power Wash, we want you to have a safe winter, no matter what the weather brings.  Hopefully, these tips will help you to stay one step ahead of the snow and ice (as needed).  If you need help cleaning up after you dig out in spring, give us a call! Power washing works wonders on lingering snow melt and other signs of wear/tear.