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Pressure Washing in the Rain:  Is it Safe?

This year, we’ve had one of the wettest summers on record.  Just because the rain won’t stop doesn’t mean you can put your projects on hold. When it comes to pressure washing, you’re probably wondering whether or not it’s something you can still pursue under these conditions.  While safety is a concern, the professionals at Peak Power Wash can handle virtually any job—even in the rain. 

What’s the forecast?

Of course, there are exceptions to every rule.  If the conditions aren’t generally safe outside, then we’ll probably recommend rescheduling.  However, with light rain and/or the occasion showers in the forecast, we can definitely continue.  In situations where we have torrential downpours, high winds, lightning, and/or hurricane conditions, power washing can wait.  It’s not like refinishing your deck or resealing a driveway where we need to have perfect weather for a couple of consecutive days.  In fact, some professional power washers actually preferto work in the rain.  It can make problem areas more obvious and cleaning solutions slightly more effective. 

What type of equipment are you using?

Now, this affects the safety just as much as the weather—if not more so.  Keep in mind, a pressure washer is still a piece of electrical equipment, so you want to be careful when using it in wet conditions.  Our technicians have up-to-date washers with modern UL ratings.  This means that a reputable company, Underwriters Laboratories (UL), has certified this machine.  If you’re able to see the UL rating, you can trust that this tool has been tested for electrical safety, including erosion and wet-environment usage.  Thus, it’s probably okay to use in the rain.  If your equipment is 15 years old or more and you’re unable to see this mark, then you should probably wait for a drier day.  

Are you a professional?

Please note that all of the information we’re providing today applies to professional power washers.  For an inexperienced DIYer, pressure washing in the rain still comes with plenty of hazards.  Even modern equipment can have problems under wet conditions—especially when you’re unfamiliar with the controls.  Plus, our professionals use other equipment, such as stools, ladders, and platforms to reach those out-of-the-way areas.  All of which can become slippery and dangerous in the rain.  This year, consider outsourcing this job to a local company like Peak Power Wash.  We’ll take every precaution to clean your home safely and securely—no matter what the weather brings.

Although we’re based out of Stokesdale, North Carolina, our service area extends throughout the Piedmont – Triad area.  We will also service the Martinsville and Danville areas of Virginia. Give us a call for a free estimate today—rain or shine!